I guess that blog title doesn’t make a whole lot of sense considering this site is brand new, but it is a kickass Jay-Z line!
I’m out of shape. I eat like crap and drink entirely too much coffee to help me through the day. I miss Crossfit and can’t seem to ever help my wife figure out the monthly budget or a grocery list.
Welcome to our life. (Well, mine I should say.)
I started a business 4 years ago and it has afforded us the luxury of allowing Laiken to stay home with the kiddos. She works for the company but her main gig involves toddler attitude and newborn spit-up.
I work a lot. I’m actually writing this blog at 4:30am drinking my second cup of coffee. I’ve got a pot-and-a-half to go! ☕️
I love my job. I love everything about it.
(Except the admin side of things. That’s what I hired Laiken for.)
But that job has a major role in why I eat the way I do and why I’m no longer going to Crossfit everyday.
While I fully understand that the previous sentence is an excuse, it’s a valid one for me. I have goals for the company. Selfishly, some of those goals are to stroke my own ego a bit. But for the most part my intentions are good: I want my family taken care of and to enjoy a flexible lifestyle.
Part of Laiken’s job is to make sure I eat lunch.
I do most of the cooking in our home. I genuinely like cooking, and obviously don’t mind eating. But Monday – Friday I sometimes forget about lunch.
I get wrapped up at the office, or with a client, or on some deadline. For me, it’s easier to say,
“lunch will take too long. I’ll eat later!”
That started to happen more when we found out Laiken was pregnant.
Not only did I sometimes miss lunch, but when I was eating it was more tacos and more fast food for dinner. It was just easy, and fit into our hectic schedule.
She gained weight. And so did I.
It shouldn’t shock you that Laiken gained weight during her pregnancy. I think I gained just as much.
I was going to Crossfit everyday and making improvements each week, but those gains could have been better. My diet could have been better. I needed more sleep.
After my daughter was born I had to stop Crossfit. It was more of a burden to go and to leave work. I also looked and felt like shit. I was focusing on work while doing a WOD, and feel like I could have hurt myself at any point.
My journey back to Crossfit
I absolutely love Crossfit. I know people have mixed feelings about the sport and that’s cool. But for me, it motivates me to want to workout. The atmosphere fit me better than a regular gym.
Our Crossfit coaches are amazing. Grant and Sara both check in with us regularly to see how we are doing, and when we are coming back.
Last week Laiken and I were texting and I was bitching…bitching about how much we eat out and how out of shape I am. That led me to bring up the idea of a “house challenge”.
The “house challenge” for us doesn’t mean diet. We would kill each other and sneak junk food. The challenge for us is much more simple than that:
- Eat at home for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Workout/Run 3-5 times per week
- Cut out alcohol (mainly for me ?!)
This challenge isn’t even for 30 days. We’ve challenged ourselves to 2 weeks! That’s how much of a hot mess we are. We know we would fail at 30 days!
My journey back to Crossfit begins with these 2 weeks.
Laiken and I have wanted to do this blog for a while now. Hell, I’ve owned the domain for almost 2 years. Aside from each other and our Crossfit coaches, we are hoping that this site will be our accountability too.
I’m not here to become a motivational person/blogger. I’m an out of shape, hot mess-of-an-entrepreneur, who drinks too much.
I’m just figuring there are more of you like me out there who might be able to relate to the struggle of refocusing.